Guanyin Service On Zoom
Led by Dharma Heir Venerable Shih Zhongxin, the Guanyin Service includes study of the teachings that are related to Guanyin, the Bodhisattva who represents the spirit of Universal Compassion. The […]
Led by Dharma Heir Venerable Shih Zhongxin, the Guanyin Service includes study of the teachings that are related to Guanyin, the Bodhisattva who represents the spirit of Universal Compassion. The […]
Seated and walking meditation practice followed by the chanting of the Heart Sutra and the silent drinking of tea in the Meditation Hall.
The Qigong class begins shortly after Saturday morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere. Qigong exercises strengthen […]
When an ancient Chinese official asked a Chan master for advice on how to govern, the master wrote the character for "attention." When the official noted his dissatisfaction at the […]
Group meditative practice is the beating heart of any Zen Center. Our group Zen practice, which begins at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, includes periods of seated meditation and walking meditation. […]
The Five Elements system presents a wide variety of meditative practices and exercises that can assist us in our quest to embody Compassion and Wisdom in daily life. Meeting […]
Seated and walking meditation practice followed by the chanting of the Heart Sutra and the silent drinking of tea in the Meditation Hall.
The Qigong class begins shortly after Saturday morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere. Qigong exercises strengthen […]
The Zendo will be closed today.
Group meditative practice is the beating heart of any Zen Center. Our group Zen practice, which begins at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, includes periods of seated meditation and walking meditation. […]
On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members […]
Seated and walking meditation practice followed by the chanting of the Heart Sutra and the silent drinking of tea in the Meditation Hall.