Event Series Guanyin Service On Zoom

Guanyin Service On Zoom

Led by Dharma Heir Venerable Shih Zhongxin, the Guanyin Service includes study of the teachings that are related to Guanyin, the Bodhisattva who represents the spirit of Universal Compassion. The Guanyin Service includes the Atonement Ritual and a Dharma Talk by Venerable Shih Zhongxin. The service is conducted on Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of […]

Internal Arts Class (free, donations appreciated)

The Qigong class begins shortly after Saturday morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere. Qigong exercises strengthen the muscles and sinews, boost the immune system and help one to regulate the body’s internal energy for purposes of health, longevity and spirituality. Qigong […]

Outdoor Zen Walk At Big Met Golf Course

Venerable Shih Yingfa leads an outdoor meditative walk and gives a teaching in the traditional style. The walk includes a contemplation, Dharma Talk, and group discussion. This month’s walk will begin at the Big Met Golf Course parking lot, located at 4811 Valley Parkway at the intersection of Valley Parkway and Wooster Rd. south of […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditation

Cloudwater Zendo 3820 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH, United States

Group meditative practice is the beating heart of any Zen Center. Our group Zen practice, which begins at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, includes periods of seated meditation and walking meditation. This is followed by chanting practice, a Dharma Talk and a discussion, followed by social tea and conversation.

Zendo Closed

The Zendo will be closed during the Memorial Day weekend.

Tuesday Evening Group Meditation

Cloudwater Zendo 3820 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH, United States

Group meditative practice is the beating heart of any Zen Center. Our group Zen practice, which begins at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, includes periods of seated meditation and walking meditation. This is followed by chanting practice, a Dharma Talk and a discussion, followed by social tea and conversation.