Internal Arts Class (free, donations appreciated)

The Qigong class begins shortly after Saturday morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere. Qigong exercises strengthen the muscles and sinews, boost the immune system and help one to regulate the body’s internal energy for purposes of health, longevity and spirituality. Qigong […]

Event Series Sunday Morning Zen Meditation

Sunday Morning Zen Meditation

Sunday Morning Zen Meditation includes seated and walking practice and a traditional Zen chanting service which includes the Heart Sutra, the Ten-Verse Life-Prolonging Guanyin Sutra, the Four Bodhisattva Vows, the Verse In Praise of Water, and a chant honoring the venerable Chan Ancestors.

Winter Break

The Zendo will be closed from December 22nd through January 2nd for Winter Break. The New Year Celebration will be held on December 30th at 6:30 p.m.

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102

Event Series Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

Group Zen Meditation On Zoom

On the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. Meeting ID: 875 1000 4129     Passcode: 639102