The Qigong class begins shortly after morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere.
This free open class is conducted at 11:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. The class provides a basic introduction to Zen meditative practice. The casual format allows plenty of opportunity for questions and answers. An online class on Zoom is conducted on the […]
Sunday Morning Zen Meditation includes periods of seated and walking practice and a traditional Zen chanting service which includes chanting of the Heart Sutra, the Ten-Verse Life-Prolonging Kuan-Yin Sutra, the Four Bodhisattva Vows, the Verse In Praise of Water and a chant honoring the venerable Chan Ancestors.
The Atonement Service centers around the principle of Universal Compassion as represented by Kuan-Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The service encourages us to examine those thoughts, words and actions which may have caused us to create suffering. We then make a series of vows which can assist us to improve our behavior for the benefit […]
Led by Venerable Shih Zuandao, this virtual Zen group meets for meditation on the first three Mondays of each month. A Zen Study session is conducted on the fourth Monday. All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA). All are welcome. https://us02web.zoom.u/j/85439673161?pwd=RVhSeVg3NmxJZjZlM1p0NkRrbXJhZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3967 3161 Passcode: 454169
On the first Thursday at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA) members of our international Sangha gather online to practice Zen meditation which is led by members of the Nienfo Chan Order.
The Qigong class begins shortly after morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere.
Sunday Morning Zen Meditation includes periods of seated and walking practice and a traditional Zen chanting service which includes chanting of the Heart Sutra, the Ten-Verse Life-Prolonging Kuan-Yin Sutra, the Four Bodhisattva Vows, the Verse In Praise of Water and a chant honoring the venerable Chan Ancestors.
Work practice is a traditional element of the Zen tradition in which students maintain their practice space in a meditative manner. Work practice is traditionally done either in silence or in low tones, which adds to the meditative atmosphere of the activity. All are welcome.
Led by Venerable Shih Zuandao, this virtual Zen group meets for meditation on the first three Mondays of each month. A Zen Study session is conducted on the fourth Monday. All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA). All are welcome. https://us02web.zoom.u/j/85439673161?pwd=RVhSeVg3NmxJZjZlM1p0NkRrbXJhZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3967 3161 Passcode: 454169
This free open class is conducted at 11:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. The class provides a basic introduction to Zen meditative practice. The casual format allows plenty of opportunity for questions and answers. An online class on Zoom is conducted on the […]
"Hijacking Buddhism" with Venerable Shih Mingxing. Religions get "hijacked" by people who use the teachings of religion to serve their own egos. Buddhism itself, Buddhist Sanghas, and even an individual's Buddhist practice can also be hijacked. What can be done to prevent this? Meeting ID: 830 1107 6488 Passcode: 028047 The Bamboo […]
The Qigong class begins shortly after morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere.
This free open class is conducted at 11:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. The class provides a basic introduction to Zen meditative practice. The casual format allows plenty of opportunity for questions and answers. An online class on Zoom is conducted on the […]
Ven. Shih Ying-Fa leads an outdoor meditative walk and gives a teaching in the traditional style. This month's walk will begin at the Big Met Golf Course parking lot, located at 4811 Valley Parkway at the intersection of Valley Parkway and Wooster Rd. south of Lorain Avenue. For a detailed map, go to Be sure to […]
Led by Venerable Shih Zuandao, this virtual Zen group meets for meditation on the first two Mondays of each month. A Zen Study session is conducted on the third Monday. All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA). All are welcome. https://us02web.zoom.u/j/85439673161?pwd=RVhSeVg3NmxJZjZlM1p0NkRrbXJhZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3967 3161 Passcode: 454169
The Qigong class begins shortly after morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere.
Our quarterly meditative retreat in June will include seated and walking meditation, chanting, Dharma Talks and Qigong internal energy exercises. All are welcome. A vegetarian/vegan lunch will be provided. FEE: $5 or donation. Reservations are required for all retreats. Make a Reservation
Led by Venerable Shih Zuandao, this virtual Zen group meets for meditation on the first three Mondays of each month. A Zen Study session is conducted on the fourth Monday. All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA). All are welcome. https://us02web.zoom.u/j/85439673161?pwd=RVhSeVg3NmxJZjZlM1p0NkRrbXJhZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3967 3161 Passcode: 454169
The Qigong class begins shortly after morning Zen meditation and consists of 60 minutes of Qigong internal energy exercises and meditations conducted in a relaxed atmosphere.
Led by Venerable Shih Zuandao, this virtual Zen group meets for meditation on the first three Mondays of each month. A Zen Study session is conducted on the fourth Monday. All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. local time (Eastern, USA). All are welcome. https://us02web.zoom.u/j/85439673161?pwd=RVhSeVg3NmxJZjZlM1p0NkRrbXJhZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3967 3161 Passcode: 454169