Chan Retreat: “Paying Attention”

When an ancient Chinese official asked a Chan master for advice on how to govern, the master wrote the character for "attention." When the official noted his dissatisfaction at the reply, the master then wrote "attention, attention!" Paying attention is crucial in Chan practice. We will examine the art of attention in our March retreat. […]

Chan Retreat: “Integrated Chan Practice”

Chan meditation and Pure Land practices have complemented each other since the 9th century CE. This syncretic form is a staple of Chan practice, and has innumerable benefits. In our June retreat we will study and practice several forms of Chan/Pure Land meditation. The retreat will include seated and walking meditation, chanting, Dharma Talks and […]

Chan Retreat: “Actualizing Our Fundamental Enlightenment”

Through Chan practice we come to see that we are fundamentally Awakened beings. But how do we avoid the trap of becoming attached to the practices which have led to that revelation? In our September retreat, we will look at the principle of non-attachment and apply it to everyday life both on and off the […]