
These are the five rewards of Generosity: One is dear and appealing to people at large, one is admired by good people, one’s good name is spread about, one does not stray from the rightful duties of the householder, and with the breakup of the body at death, one reappears in a good destination, in the heavenly worlds.”

-The Buddha

The Begging Bowl

An Opportunity To Practice Generosity

Dana, the Perfection of Generosity, was taught by the Buddha himself.  Through our continual perfecting of Generosity we come to see the interconnected nature of all phenomena.  Generosity is also an opportunity for us to practice non-attachment, the art of selflessness.  The Perfection of Generosity therefore becomes a legitimate path of liberation.

CloudWater Zendo is solely dependent on the contributions of generous individuals for its existences as a Zen Center and Buddhist Temple.  We receive no financial support from a head temple, as we are the head temple; nor are we karmically fortunate enough to have received any endowments.  Our existence is the direct result of those of you who have practiced with us and supported us since 1994.

CloudWater Zendo is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt religious organization, which means that your contributions may be tax-deductible.  Our official corporation-not-for-profit designation is The Zen Society of Cleveland.

Please accept three bows of deepest gratitude for your continuing financial support.  If you wish to receive more information, please contact us at [email protected].

Simply click the “Donate” button below and you may make a contribution in any amount you wish.  Please accept three deep bows of generosity for your kindness in helping us to continue the work of assisting all beings to become liberated from the Samsaric realm of suffering.  Amitabha!