We are located in Asian Town Center: 3820 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH.
Please park in the lot off East 38th St., enter through the sliding glass doors, and turn right down the corridor.
CloudWater Zendo exists for the benefit of all sentient beings. All are welcome.
The Zen Society of Cleveland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
We welcome your kind donations.
Regularly Scheduled Activities

Introduction to Zen Meditation
This free open class is conducted at 11:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month by members of the Nienfo Chan Order. An online class on Zoom is conducted on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Reservations are required for all Introduction to Zen Meditation classes. The class provides a basic introduction to Zen meditative practice. The casual format allows plenty of opportunity for questions and answers.

Group Meditation
Our Tuesday evening group meditation practice is based on a traditional format which has been adapted for western laypeople. It includes walking and seated meditation, followed by a chanting service, a Dharma Talk, and discussion. This is followed by informal tea and social time.

Internal Arts Class
Every Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. we engage in the art of Internal Energy Practice, which includes Qigong and Tai Chi. In Qigong we learn how to circulate the body’s vital energy (Qi) for purposes of health, longevity and spiritual awakening. In Tai Chi we concentrate on gentle motion and balance.

Sunday Meditation
On Sundays we conduct Group Zen Meditation at 9:30 a.m. Monthly Contemplative Outdoor Zen Walks are conducted off-site from April through October; there is no morning meditation on Zen Walk days.